Summer Study Abroad Review and Student Testimonials

HFU BanquetCSC staff and students recently returned from a very successful summer study abroad program. Over the course of the two-week program, CSC President Chris Stellato, VP Donny Newman and instructors Wei You and Jianfen Wang led local students through a tour of Shanghai, Nanjing and Columbus Sister City, Hefei.

The program was specifically focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Participants visited and interacted with various businesses, government organizations and educational institutions, including global market research company Ipsos, international gaming company Reality Squared Games, and cutting edge educational software company iFlytek.

During our time in Hefei, CSC was hosted by our partner Hefei University. While at Hefei University, students attended Chinese language and culture classes, worked with university peer mentors and lived on campus in Hefei University’s international student dormitories.

Below are highlights from the itinerary:

  1. Visited with the CEO and VP of R2 Games
  2. Visited with Ipsos
  3. Banquet hosted by R2 Games
  4. Bullet train to Nanjing
  5. Visited Confucian Temple
  6. Toured Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum
  7. Visited a traditional tea house
  8. Toured the Presidential Palace
  9. Shopping in Xinjiekou District
  10. Bullet train to Hefei
  11. Hefei University Welcome Banquet
  12. Chinese Language and Culture Classes
  13. Visited Li Hongzhang’s former residence
  14. Visited Hefei Foreign Affairs Office
  15. Banquet hosted by Hefei FOA
  16. Visited Anhui Provincial History Museum
  17. Visited iFlytek
  18. Day trip to Sanhe, ancient town outside Hefei city
  19. Farewell Banquet hosted by Hefei University.
  20. Visited Shanghai OSU Gateway
  21. Toured the Bund and Nanjing Road

Student Testimonials:

“As an adult learner, the CSC educational trip exceeded my expectations. It was far richer than traveling alone or traditional tours could provide. The language and cultural training was excellent and the in-country mentors were warm and helpful. Combining education with tourism and company visits along with banquets with officials (not just training, but actual banquets) created a deeply balanced experience that will last a lifetime and propel my language abilities to a new level. ” – Rich Timpone, adult participant

Teen Participants:

“This was the trip of a lifetime. I got to make connections with native Chinese speakers, and I got to use my new acquired skills. I would say that my language ability has doubled at least. I would recommend this program to anybody because it changed my outlook on both the Chinese language and the world around me. This experience showed that you can never truly know how much of a bubble you live in until it is popped.”

“This trip was a one-of-a-kind experience. These past two weeks will forever change how I perceive the world I live in. This experience is one that everyone studying Chinese should take part in.”

“The amount of knowledge I gained on this trip is immeasurable. It was a great way to experience a different culture. To students who plan to learn partake in this trip in the future, you will have lots of opportunities opened up to you.”  

“This trip was an amazing experience that went further in depth than just a tourist trip. We learned about the development of China, and the technological and economic growth there, specifically in Hefei, our sister city. I made life-long friends in Hefei, and I learned a lot about the Chinese education system. I had a lot of fun.”

We can’t wait to head back to China for our 2016 program!